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Commands explanation

T [range]
This command types the lines in the given range. If range is omitted the current line is typed. The leading T can be omitted and only the range specified. In response to a <CR> the next line is typed.
S/old/new/ [range]
This command substitutes the ``old'' text string by the ``new'' one for all lines in the range.
D [range]
This command deletes the set of lines specified (the line numbers will be changed).
I [line_number]/ line1<CR> line2<CR>...<lineN>/
This command inserts the given text lines after the line specified by the line_number. To insert new lines at the very beginning you should specify line_number=0 (the line numbers will be changed ).
This command cause exits from the editor. The text is processed by the COMIS compiler automatically.
This command cause exits from the editor without any compilation.
COMIS invokes the local editor of the operating system. After edit session control is returned to the built-in editor.
This command types HELP information about the editor commands.

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