N.B. if there has been no previous installation of CERNLIB
on your system, see section .
All of the libraries and modules can be rebuilt using the following command file.
$! $! Make complete CERNLIB $! $ set noon $ save_message = f$environment("MESSAGE") $! $ warnings_from = "." $ errors_from = "." $ severe_from = "." $! $ cernlib = - "KERNLIB,MATHLIB,PACKLIB,GRAFLIB,GRAFGKS,GRAFDGKS,GRAFX11,PAWLIB" + - ",CERNPGM,USERPGM,MCLIBS,GEANT321" $ if p1 .nes. "" then cernlib = p1 $ count = 0 $ packages: $ set message 'save_message' $ package = f$element(count,",",cernlib) $ if package .eqs. "," then goto end $ write sys$output "Building ''package' at ''f$time()'" $ make 'package' $ wait 0:0:10 $ set message/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity/notext $ p_wait: $ show process/nooutput 'package' $ if $severity .eq. 0 $ then $ write sys$output "''package' complete at ''f$time()'" $ search cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** " $! $ search/nooutput cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** WARNING EXIT from" $ if $severity .eq. 1 then warnings_from = warnings_from + package + "." $ search/nooutput cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** ERROR EXIT from" $ if $severity .eq. 1 then errors_from = errors_from + package + "." $ search/nooutput cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** SEVERE ERROR EXIT from" $ if $severity .eq. 1 then severe_from = severe_from + package + "." $! $ count = count + 1 $ goto packages $ endif $ wait 0:1 $ goto p_wait $ end: $ write sys$output "CERNLIB build complete at ''f$time()'" $ set message 'save_message' $ if warnings_from .nes. "." then write sys$output - "Warnings from ''warnings_from'" $ if errors_from .nes. "." then write sys$output - "Errors from ''errors_from'" $ if severe_from .nes. "." then write sys$output - "Severe errors from ''severe_from'"
All of the PAW modules, libraries and associated packages can be rebuilt using the following command file.
Command file to rebuild PAW
$! $! Rebuild PAW $! $ set noon $ save_message = f$environment("MESSAGE") $! $ warnings_from = "." $ errors_from = "." $ severe_from = "." $! $ cernlib = "PAWLIB,GRAFLIB,GRAFGKS,GRAFDGKS,GRAFX11,KUIP,PACKLIB,PAWALL" $ if p1 .nes. "" then cernlib = p1 $ count = 0 $ packages: $ set message 'save_message' $ package = f$element(count,",",cernlib) $! $! Treat PACKLIB specially $! $ if package .eqs. "PACKLIB" $ then $ makepack -l packlib $ count = count + 1 $ goto packages $ endif $! $ if package .eqs. "," then goto end $ write sys$output "Building ''package' at ''f$time()'" $ make 'package' $ wait 0:0:10 $ set message/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity/notext $ p_wait: $ show process/nooutput 'package' $ if $severity .eq. 0 $ then $ write sys$output "''package' complete at ''f$time()'" $ search cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** " $! $ search/nooutput cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** WARNING EXIT from" $ if $severity .eq. 1 then warnings_from = warnings_from + package + "." $ search/nooutput cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** ERROR EXIT from" $ if $severity .eq. 1 then errors_from = errors_from + package + "." $ search/nooutput cern:[new.log]'package'.log "*** SEVERE ERROR EXIT from" $ if $severity .eq. 1 then severe_from = severe_from + package + "." $! $ count = count + 1 $ goto packages $ endif $ wait 0:1 $ goto p_wait $ end: $ write sys$output "PAW build complete at ''f$time()'" $ set message 'save_message' $ if warnings_from .nes. "." then write sys$output - "Warnings from ''warnings_from'" $ if errors_from .nes. "." then write sys$output - "Errors from ''errors_from'" $ if severe_from .nes. "." then write sys$output - "Severe errors from ''severe_from'"
KERNLIB can be built using the command make kernlib.
MATHLIB can be built using the command make mathlib. This will execute the following commands: Building MATHLIB
vxcrna:/cernlib > make -n mathlib makepack -p LAPACK makepack -s LAPACK makepack -c LAPACK makepack -p BVSL makepack -s BVSL makepack -c BVSL makepack -p MPA makepack -s MPA makepack -c MPA makepack -p GEN makepack -s GEN makepack -c GEN makepack -l MATHLIB
PACKLIB can be built using the command make packlib. PACKLIB currently consists of the following packages:
The graphics libraries are divided into a kernel library, GRAFLIB , and package specific libraries:
They may be installed using the command make GRAFLIB GRAFGKS GRAFDGKS GRAFX11.
These may be made using the command make target. Note that some of the packages are available in several versions. For example, versions 6.3, 7.3 and 7.4 of JETSET are all available at the time of writing. The available versions can be found as shown below.
Listing the available versions of a given package
vxcrna:/cernlib > dir cern:[new.src.car]jetset*.car Directory CERN:[NEW.SRC.CAR] JETSET63.CAR;1 JETSET73.CAR;1 JETSET74.CAR;1 Total of 3 files.
Version 7.4 of JETSET is installed by typing make jetset74.
In a number of cases, the documentation is extracted by typing make targetD, e.g. make herwig54D. If this is the case, you will find an appropriate cradle in the CERN_LEVEL:[SRC.CAR] area, e.g. herwig54D.cra.
The PAW library PAWLIB is required if you wish to build PAW or if you intend to link your own applications with the PAW routines. It is built using the command make pawlib. This will extract and compile the various components, as shown below.
Building PAWLIB
vxcrna:/cernlib > make -n pawlib makepack -p PAW makepack -s PAW makepack -c PAW makepack -p COMIS makepack -s COMIS makepack -c COMIS makepack -p SIGMA makepack -s SIGMA makepack -c SIGMA makepack -l PAWLIB
All of the following modules can be built using the syntax make target except where indicated. Some modules can be built together, e.g. the various versions of PAW.