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CMZ is the product of a software company (CodeMe S.A.R.L.); and it uses parts of the CERN Program Library. The following agreement has been reached between CERN and the supplier:

  1. CERN users will have the right to use CMZ on all machines on the CERN site.
  2. In CERN member states all institutions collaborating with CERN, national research laboratories in nuclear and particle physics and academic physics departments will receive CMZ for free.
  3. Groups or individuals outside CERN member states collaborating with the experimental programme of CERN or of one of the institutions mentioned in the previous paragraph will have the right to receive CMZ free of charge and to use it for the work they are doing in the framework of the above collaboration. If they want to use CMZ for any other activity, then they must obtain a license from the supplier.
  4. All cases not directly covered by the above rules 1,2 and 3 will have to be negotiated directly with the supplier. More information about licence fees may be obtained from CODEME@CERNVM.
  5. The CERN agreement with the company includes maintenance and development coverage for users of CMZ in the first three categories listed above
Individuals or institutions entitled to receive CMZ free of charge according to the above conditions, should request the program and the documentation from the CERN Program Library Office.

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